The prompt for this story was Genre: Action/Adventure, Location: A ravine, and Object: A bag of money. Hope you enjoy! I heard the soft click of a weapon behind me. “Well done kids. Daddy would be proud.” My hands shot up. “Don’t shoot! P-please don’t shoot!” Carefully, I turned around and faced Rafe. His slicked-back […]
NYC Midnight
The Gift
The following piece was my first entry to the NYC Midnight Flash Fiction competition. This was the final round, so the prompt had no genre. All of the final 60 participants had the same prompt. It had to be set in a Mobile Home, and it had to feature a wrapped gift. See this post for […]
Bella’s Journey
The following piece was my third entry to the NYC Midnight Flash Fiction competition. The prompt for this piece was Romance (again), an unpaved road, and a meatball. I was very excited when writing this story, as this was the first round that I got into purely by merit! See this post for more! The rising sun wakes me from a restless sleep. Sunbeams dance across the tops of bushes and trees and fall on my face. I groan, dreading […]
Echoing Steps
The following piece was my second entry to the NYC Midnight Flash Fiction competition. The prompt for this piece was Ghost Story, a stairwell, and a burger. See this post for more! Friday night out with the girls, but Tasha decided to go home early. Normally she’d get a taxi, but the mild weather invited her to walk. She chose to take a shortcut through Templebar. Dublin’s oldest quarter was originally the entire city, first settled by raiding Vikings. Today […]
…Dance with me?
The following piece was my first entry to the NYC Midnight Flash Fiction competition. The prompt for this piece was Romance, electric car charging point, and a tote bag. See this post for more! Each year, on the same day, at the same time, they met. Mostly it was small talk, weather, kids, grandkids, books and plays. Sometimes about politics and the events of the day. Never about their love for each other. He crossed the city by bus. It was the 23X now, but back then it […]
NYC Midnight Flash Fiction Competition 2018
What is it? NYC Midnight has been running since 2002, hosting hundreds of writing competitions since. Each competition is slightly different, but all have a similar theme. Writers are put into groups. Each group gets a prompt which consists of a genre, setting, and object. Finally, each writer has until midnight to complete their entry. […]