“You what!?” “…I’ve never seen The Goonies…” “YOU WHAT?!” “I’ve never seen The Goo-“ “I’m leaving you.” And that is how my partner of 9 years left me. For a certain age group, The Goonies is something most have seen at some stage, but I somehow fell through the cracks. There’s no doubt that it is of cultural […]
For Writers
Campaign Diary #1: Goblin Ambush!
The following is the first of my Campaign Diaries, where I recap the latest game of Dungeons and Dragons that my friends and I play. This is one of my earlier recaps, which I originally wrote for my players. In the future, there’ll be more photos and “Behind the Screen” style commentary! See here for the Campaign Diaries in order, and see here for a Dungeons and Dragons introduction post! The […]
Dungeons and Dragons – huh?!
This is an introductory post to my Campaign Diary series, which covers the adventures my friends and I experience when we play Dungeons and Dragons. You can see the first post here! Dungeons and Dragons? Isn’t that the devil worshipping thing from the ’80s? In a word? No. In a paragraph? Nope. When Dungeons and Dragons, D&D or DnD for short, first came to popularity it did indeed cause some concern amongst some uber Christian Americans. This caused the ‘Satanic Panic’ as some people were worried […]
NYC Midnight Flash Fiction Competition 2018
What is it? NYC Midnight has been running since 2002, hosting hundreds of writing competitions since. Each competition is slightly different, but all have a similar theme. Writers are put into groups. Each group gets a prompt which consists of a genre, setting, and object. Finally, each writer has until midnight to complete their entry. […]