Ba da daaaaah…. da daaa daaaaaaah….. ba da daaaaaah….. da daa DAAAAAAA daaaaaaaa….. Can’t you tell that’s The Terminator’s theme song? No? I really tried. Out of the many things I try and do for this site, I particularly enjoy my 100 greatest films series. It’s fun to watch, or in most cases, REwatch some […]
The Goonies: A Hero’s Journey
“You what!?” “…I’ve never seen The Goonies…” “YOU WHAT?!” “I’ve never seen The Goo-“ “I’m leaving you.” And that is how my partner of 9 years left me. For a certain age group, The Goonies is something most have seen at some stage, but I somehow fell through the cracks. There’s no doubt that it is of cultural […]